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Motivation of the Day...
A Place to Inspire and be Inspired

Friday, July 15, 2011

Facebook Status: "I Seriously Miss my old life!"

So the last time I have written anything in this blog was a month ago! Being a MOD addict and someone who is almost 19 hours online, that is pretty strange don’t you think? The other day my friend was teasing me about not writing for so long, and the way I used to say “Nothing will ever get me away from MOD”. Sadly, he was right!

Last month has been a hectic one. Too many family events, too many friend’s events, weddings and engagements of close ones. Too many things on my plate. And now the plate is full. Now is the time where usually a normal person would crash! 

Many times in our lives we get drifted with what’s going around in our daily life. We barely have time for our own pleasures, our own moments of peace. And this can really get into us. We miss freedom, we miss our own daily boring routines because simply they were OUR own daily boring routines and not things that are forced upon us.

Change the Atmosphere.
Go to the movies, even though they are not showing any new movies here in Jordan, but we can always pull our fav DVD from the DVDs basket and hit play. Or even if you’re not a big fan of movies, well hit the gym! Exercise and move those muscles a bit.

Have a moment of “Alone-Time”
Today, I simply switched every system off… the alarm, the phone, the laptop and just sat there! All alone! Ok don’t think I’m weird, but I just had to clear the noise around me and to shift my focus from the busy life I have been going through the last month. I ended up sleeping anyway LOL. And guess what’s the first thing I did when I woke up? I wrote this article 

Yes! Time management is such a wonderful phrase that we all use pretty often, but barely EXERCISE it. So yeah, we pull our note book out, schedule this, schedule that… appointments here, errands there, but then we throw this schedule and improvise from our own, AND SIMPLY HIT THE WALL! Been there, done that. The other day, my friend was laughing when she saw me pull out my yellow notebook from my bag and actually write down what I need to do. I am totally forgetting what I have to do!!!!! So, grab your schedule book and write down what you have to do, and one more thing, STICK TO IT.

 Live life to the maximum, but hit the brakes sometimes.
It’s cool that you have a full time schedule, it pretty amazing you’re enjoying every single day of your life doing things you want to. But don’t burden yourself with it. Slow down. Enjoy the ride. Don’t make it as if you are obligated to enjoy life. You are not! You are LIVING life and obligated to enjoy the RIDE itself. So take some breaks from time to time. Stop and gaze into the horizon to clear your head from the busy life. RECHARGE! And then get back to the road and continue your journey.

So ya, I totally forgot to say this, 

“Facebook status: “I miss my old life” and I do, I miss MOD, I miss this blog so much… simply because I stopped smelling the roses on my Journey.”


  1. u know what? i miss my old life too :( not the too old one LOL.. but in my last weeks i had alot of occasions .. some temporarily different changes "which i dont like"!! i miss being board! and i miss being too lazy! hehehehe

    but its nice to try everything in life tio appreciate other things we have .. :)

    and btw.. we also miss MOD blog ;)
    Amazing article huni .. as usual ..


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