Welcome Note

Motivation of the Day...
A Place to Inspire and be Inspired

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Release your own music; life is just a Song to be played

Those of you who are familiar with MOD Facebook page, have realized that I have changed the profile picture yesterday. And as usually done, the picture have been designed and all it needed is a simple phrase as the final touch.
That was the moment when the sentence “Release your own music… life is just a Song to be played” has been formed in my mind to reflect the theme of the picture.

So lets elaborate more on this idea... 
Life is series of musical notes… some of them are soft, some of them are funny, some sad, some LOUD! And a combination of those notes makes the music of life. Just like that, human beings represent the same musical notes. 

You meet many people, some of them are soft as a breeze in a summer evening, and some of them are funny and always makes you laugh. Others are loud and simply light up any place they go to. You may get along with some and mostly can’t stand others.

Now back to the phrase “Release your own music… life is just a Song to be played”; sometimes we run into this experience called life without knowing the real us, without knowing what tune we're playing for others. We simply just exist on earth! We have to dig deep, beyond all the masks, beyond all the covers we have upon us and reach to that point in our hearts that knows our musical note. Then we have to unleash it. Do not hesitate to release your song no matter how awful you think it is. You’d never know which ears might be listening!
The beauty in life is to know the person’s musical note and sing with it… combine your own notes with others and a wonderful melody would come out of such collision. 

A very special thank you note to my friend "Ammar Qadri" who has designed the picture and inspired me to write this note. So thanks Ammar for being you.


  1. You are welcome LAYAN, that the least thing that i can give t for MOD ;)

  2. I hope you liked the post dear? totally inspired by your design :)

  3. I love that idea!!! Thanks :)

  4. anonymous >>> your more than welcome.. i am glad u liked it :)

  5. I love the idea...
    I must say your post, stories etc are all
    very inspiring.. When I lack motivation I just visit your facebook page 'motivation of the day'It just lifts me up. Just keep the good work going!
    God bless you..

  6. thanks a lot dear Anonymous <3 i wish you wrote your name so i can thank you :):)
    am glad MOD is helping you out <3
