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Motivation of the Day...
A Place to Inspire and be Inspired

Saturday, May 7, 2011

YES to Success! I refuse to be called a Failure!

So I was sitting peacefully, publishing some posts on MOD facebook page, navigating through the internet, brainstorming about my next MOD Blog when all of a sudden I heard the most shocking sentence in the world!

“Layan, You are not successful! You are such a FAILURE”

I am sure that many of you might know how I felt in that minute! I was immediately in tears! I couldn’t handle this! I mean I do many things! I have a great family, I had high grades in school, on the top of the honor list in University, I have a well paid job, and I have a wonderful page that inspires me and many other people all over the world. This has to mean I am successful. YET I AM A FAILURE???? Is that even possible?

Did I let this word limit me? Definitely not! I pulled myself together again and I got back on track. It took me 24 hours to get bounce back but eventually I did! And here I am inspired to write a new blog post!
Talking about success and failure is something debatable. No one can experience success without failure and no one can fail unless they are on the highway to success! 

In the world of business and startups, every entrepreneur knows that their degrees from all the best business schools are nothing but a free access to a great social life! The best education for them is FAILURE! Even big companies we know have been through their share of failures! Amazing but true, even Apple has started because of a big failure when the founder was teased about his half eaten apple!  

Failure is such an amazing empowering tool that will give you the push to explore more areas in your life that you never dreamed of! With each failure you know one more step that doesn’t work and eventually you will get to your goal.

Ok so now we fail, it’s time to bounce again right? How is that possible?
Most of us put themselves in the middle where failure is on one end and success on the other end which is a very interrupted method of thinking. Look at failure as a stepping stone. Success is your destination and failure is your free ticket to get there.

I was called a failure and tears started flowing from my eyes! However, if I was called a success wouldn’t I be celebrating? I would be having a party! So since I was just telling you that failure is your stepping stone to success, doesn’t this mean I am a step closer to being successful? LET’S HAVE A PARTY THEN! Celebrate failure! Yes yes you heard me right! There is no need to cry and be negative about it. Once you set a correct mindset about failure and success, you will be able to stop it from controlling your emotions!

Only you can get rid of this way of thinking. You can’t finish school? Exams are harder? Then study harder and harder. You can’t find a job? Employers are not looking at your CV? UPDATE IT! Work on your skills! OPEN YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

Remember, Real Failure comes from not Trying and each and every success you know in this world came after many failures. You don’t know when success will come, but you have to be on the road to success to know, rather than just overlooking it in the fear of trying. It never becomes easy to fail, but it will be easier to bounce back believe me.

So yes! I refuse to be called a failure! I am on the road to success and this was just a speed bump. 

Wait and see.


  1. Dr. Ahmad KreishanMay 7, 2011 at 9:02 PM

    wooooooow .. i admire your work :)
    i admire your spirit :)
    Celebrate failure! . that was brilliant .. i agree with every single word in this article .. we should learn from our mistakes and never give up to failure ..
    keep the good work layan .. you are amazing :)

  2. Thanks Ahmad :):) am glad u liked this post :):) dont forget to read what u missed ;)

  3. When we make mistakes in something, we are one step closer to success ... :D

    Layan you are Awesome ...

  4. thanks Ammaaaaaaar!
    yes !
    "I'm human; I feel, therefore I struggle. I struggle, therefore I survive. I survive, therefore I succeed"

  5. GILR! i swear to God u are amazing! and u are the most successful person i have ever known!

    this is the spirit!
    i think anyone can see the difference between the articles u wrote and the articles we read somewhere else .. u seriously have a message and u write it from the bottom of ur heart! u want from ppl to be positive and switch their failure to success!
    i believe in everything u wrote ..

  6. Haneen! :$:$:$ you really motivate me each time i read ur comments!
    Thanks girl! u actually saw me during this "Failure" Episode i had.. hehehe but i had to turn it around to sth worth my tears ;)

    am glad u liked this article! :$

  7. Even if we did our best and still we failed, we should accept it and give it another try, when we succeed, we will automatically search for another aspects where success will always be the net result.

    I am lucky that i got the chance to read this highly inspiring point of view :)

  8. true anonymous :):) we should never ever stop trying! failing is a step closer to success! at least u know this wont work! try something else!!!

    thanks dear for the lovely comment :):)

  9. we cant call making mistakes failing because when we make mistake we learn and we learn a lot and we will never make that mistake again .after i did read your article made me think about all the mistakes that i have done so far come to conclusion that i learned so much . layan habibty i just love every thing that you come up with.

  10. Thanks Aunt <3
    am glad i am making you proud :$ LOL

    mistakes are not fatal errors! Mistakes are life's way of telling us, try one more time, u might get it right ;)

  11. glad that i can motivate u huni.. <3
    u deserve the best :D

  12. Look at it the other way around, there is nothing called FAILURE:

    If you want to reach a goal, and you use a way that does not lead to that goal, then, the result is:

    1. you have learned something new which is that the road you chose does not lead to that specific goal.

    2. the road you chose leads to another point.

    This is what is what I exactly call call "EXPERIENCE".

    Trust me, nothing is worth crying for... The sole benefit of crying is to relief yourself.

  13. Wooow very inspring...I love the spirit !
    I must say its impressive...Love this article :)
    God bless you :)

  14. Wow! Such a great article with such inspiring words. In fact I dont know that I will ever use the word fail again!

  15. You are NOT a failure whoever told you this is. You are right though whenever we hear these words it will inspire us. I am the same failure to me is a nothing. Keep on doing the great work you are an inspiration. xx

  16. thanks everyone <3 Mary, Sharon, Mohdraza and anonymous

  17. very interesting article layan :)
    In my opinion success & failure can't be judged by others, it can be determined only by the person himself with reference to his predefined goals. but others view must be a trigger to rethink in the ways that enables you to reach your goals.

  18. i think you are awesome and you dont need to be told that you are a failure, you are such a successfull person dont lesson to what others say, they have to judge themselves first, then go to the others' behavior or whatever.
    Layan, you amazing and really lawlaki bil MOD kan ma t3allamet kteer 2shya2, i've learned alot from the experiences that always say and do. <3 keep up the good work :D
    Dima Mango

  19. Thanks hussam. yes we should be our own judges and what others say should only motivate us more!

    Harleena thanks a lot dear

    Dima <3<3 am glad i can help ;) ur one of the big supporters to MOD and i am very thankful for u!

    thanks all <3

  20. Read this article a couple of weeks ago, but this article has really stayed with me. Never thought about how I always try to save my children from failure and how that may do them more harm than good. Now I suggest things to help, or point out things that I think wont work, but I let them do it there own way even though sometimes I know it wont work. Believe it or not some of the things that I feel that will bring them to a dead end have actually worked out just fine. I wish I would have realized this a long time ago.

  21. I like it so much not only because it’s written so will!! And thanks for the good job Layan =)

    but the Idea : that For me the problem that am always searching for people that can see the full half of the glass!! FOUND PEOPLE when your so optimistic all look at YOU like your having everything how can you feel like us!!
    its not about having everything or being in somewhere on the earth being in Amman or in Germany !!

    LIFE IS LIFE you can make it... Don’t say that AM NOT lucky or am not going to have this or that just try for the God sake! I believe that when you want to be happy you will be more than happy and if you have an idea and you have everything like idea + knowledge + thinking + HARD WORKING on your idea …. So you have everything to GO TO MAKE IT …. And after hard working if failures came be happy that you did everything to success and next time it will be easier thaN the first time and smile that you did something and others sitting there doing nothing .. You added something to your life to your personality and others not ‘!!

    Am happy and so glad that I know that there is a chance to meet people optimistic knowing that life is going on and everyday would be another day to success to try to have new thing.

